Welcome on our homepage
Es sind die Begegnungen mit Menschen, die das Leben lebenswert machen
Guy de Maupassant, (1850 - 1893), französischer Erzähler und Novellist
The Leisure Group for Bremen and Surroundings, or: "Just Meet Nice People"
2024 will be an exciting year for our group
We are glad you visited us on the homepage of our active Bremen leisure forum! For our 7th year, we have a lot planned. Our past year was indeed quite eventful.
After we had so many dates for forum events in the calendar at the beginning of 2020 that one sometimes had to decide which one to attend, the COVID-19 pandemic hit shortly after with full force and almost paralyzed our leisure group for nearly three years.
When the disease lost some of its terror, the next crises came: the terrible war against Ukraine, high inflation rates, and energy prices, which made participating in social life significantly more expensive.
Nevertheless, we all kept the leisure group alive with united efforts and even expanded it further.
Thanks to our very active forum members, 2023 saw many activities and meetings in the forum after the COVID standstill.
Examples (just from 2023):
18 round tables (dining out) in Bremen and surroundings, 23 after-work meetups, 7 breakfast bowling events, several hikes and walks, 1 day trip, Easter and Pentecost outings, several tours (State Parliament, Radio Bremen twice, broadcasting museum), several mini-golf meetings in summer, game nights, city tours, a bowling evening, bike tours, a city rally in Bremen city center, exhibition and cinema visits, Music & Light at Hollersee, volunteering for "Dein Festmahl" and much more.
For 2024, we already have a lot planned. In January alone, a New Year's meeting, 2 after-work meetups, a round table, a breakfast bowling event, an e-dart evening, and a winter breakfast are already firmly planned and organized in the forum calendar.
Many dates are already set for the remaining months of the year, and certainly, many more will be added.
We (the admins, moderators, and the 7-member organization team) are very excited and look forward to meeting all of you...
Now, here are some quick info points about our leisure group (based on frequently asked questions)
Of course, you are always welcome even if you come from the Bremen surroundings and not just Bremen.
We chose the name Freizeitgruppe-Bremen (Leisure Group Bremen) because this forum was founded by 2 Bremen residents, and most members come from this city. The focus of our age range is roughly estimated to be between 40 to over 60 years old, reflecting the diverse society.
But there are also younger and older people in the forum, and of course, you are just as welcome if you are younger or older than the average.
We are NOT a singles group; everyone can join, whether couples or singles.
It's not a problem for us if you are also active in other leisure groups or forums (we are often asked this).
It's all about enjoying leisure activities with other people. It should be fun and not a competition!
The language we speak is based on respect, acceptance, tolerance, and goodwill.
We just want to have a good time together with nice people.
To offer our members a certain level of protection and to stay true to our "small and fine" concept, we have agreed to only admit people we could personally meet beforehand.
By the way, the purpose of this prior meeting is NOT to decide who we admit to the Bremen leisure forum and who we don't. It's just to ensure that all registered members really exist and to avoid multiple registrations and fake accounts!
Our Bremen leisure group is purely privately organized, financed, and ad-free; no club, company, organization, etc., is involved.
Participation in the forum was, is, and will remain free for you, except for the costs of individual leisure activities (e.g., possible travel costs, admission fees, consumption, etc.).
By the way, data protection has always been our top priority.
When registering in this forum for Bremen and surroundings, you only need to enter a username, a functioning email address (visible only to the admins), and your first name. All other information is voluntary.
According to the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you can download the data stored about you with a single click at any time.
If you want to register with us, please note the forum rules and privacy policy.
If you are now curious, we look forward to welcoming you to our leisure forum soon.
Maybe you can also visit our Bremen after-work meetup, which takes place every two weeks. It's ideal for a first meeting and asking questions.
Best and especially healthy regards from the leisure group admins